I'm worried about the Baggage Retrieval System at Heathrow
And they had good reason as well.
Obesi,Mali,Sitientes sumus,sed ludere desideramus.The Blog for Buxton RUFC Third team. You can find match reports, player profiles and loads of other interesting stuff. Plus the odd piece of scandal!
And they had good reason as well.
Posted by
Ex Captain my Captain
everytime ref!
Who is C Hallam? He was meant to be on Mike Barbers table on Saturday night. He kept himself to himself. Perhaps he will be Captain next season. I think we should be told.
Posted by
The Birdwatcher
everytime ref!
Because I had a few minutes to spare I had a look at the photos on "meet the players". It gives you the number of times that a particular photo has been viewed.
It does not make good reading or for that matter viewing.
Bottom of the pile (sorry Howard) was Mr Graham with 56. The next person had 72 so that's a long way bottom. Come on Howard pull yourself together and start looking at yourself.
Top, well are you really surprised was "Mr Male Grooming Products" himself, Wayne "Dilly" Dilworth. He has viewed himself 99 times. Disgusting. You will go blind Dilly you know so lay off it. Help an old man out and have a look at Howards photo instead.
To the rest of you, if you have the odd minute to spare why not pop by and have a look at Howards photo and give the old chap a bit of a boost. One look from you can feed his ego for a whole day.
See you at the dinner piss up (Don't you mean dance? Ed)
Posted by
The Birdwatcher
1 everytime ref!
Labels: Not sure why I bothered starting this post but as I have started I will finish it
Worth watching again, who needs rule changes when teams can play like this?
Posted by
Ex Captain my Captain
everytime ref!
On the birth of their baby daughter.
Posted by
The Birdwatcher
1 everytime ref!
After such a superb finish to the season, I feel we can look forward to next September with anticipation that we'll finish the league in more deserved position, here's a sneak preview of who we'll be playing
Division 5 South
Altrincham K. 4 4east-12th
Aldwinians 3 4east-13th
Marple 3 5east-12th
Broughton Pk 4 5east-13th
Wilmslow 3 5south-7th
Stockport 4 5south-8th
Congleton 2 5south-9th
Burnage 4 5south-10th
Old Bedians 3 5south-11th
Sandbach 4 5south-12th
Buxton 3 5south-13th
Ashton-on-Mer. 3 5west-11th
Carrington 2 5west-13th
Crewe & Nant. 4 New
Posted by
1 everytime ref!