Show is on the Road Again
We are at home to our old friends and neighbours Congleton. KO 2.15pm Nice and wet, windy and muddy.
Match report to follow.
Obesi,Mali,Sitientes sumus,sed ludere desideramus.The Blog for Buxton RUFC Third team. You can find match reports, player profiles and loads of other interesting stuff. Plus the odd piece of scandal!
We are at home to our old friends and neighbours Congleton. KO 2.15pm Nice and wet, windy and muddy.
Match report to follow.
Posted by
The Birdwatcher
everytime ref!
Posted by
The Birdwatcher
everytime ref!
Apologies for not getting the match report in the paper. I did not really stand a chance as I could not even get the score right. I texted 37-12 to the Miller Holmes League, and not 40-12. We will be fined £10,000 and have to wear ladies clothing for the next 3 home games Oh yes and be deducted 20 points. (Rule 567 para12 sub para 12b.)
It was a stirring performance against Bowdon and if, there is always an if in a third team match report, they had not gone uncontested with 20 minutes to go, who knows. It was only 19-12 at that point after all.
It was great to see Gytie back on the field and to see that he has lost none of his impact. There are a few bruised and battered rib cages down Bowdon way I shouldn’t wonder. With Tidser thundering into their defence it was quite like old times. Good to see some of the U17’s back (They were all over 17!) Getting a bit of proper rugby before heading back to their winning ways in their league.
Two good tries, Simeon’s had a touch of individual skill whereas Big Birds and the hand of Gytes was just a good old fashioned forward effort.
Impressive defence from Dave T of Monk’s bar. We will have to have a spell that surname competition at the next court. Talking of which, I hope no one was ill afterwards? Good to see Jimbo and Mr Proctor back as well!
Buxton 3rds were
Gytie, Simon, Tidser, Tay, Bird, Simeon, Keiran, TC, Phil P, Fish, HG, Eddy, Ant, Jack, Kyle, James “the Bitch”, Dave T.
Posted by
The Birdwatcher
everytime ref!
The fine body of men that put their bodies on the line against Bowdon Thirds on Saturday. They lost 40-12 but were magnificent in defeat.
Posted by
The Birdwatcher
everytime ref!
But we are getting very close. Having had to concede three games we are very much on the edge. So we need to play our home fixture on 31st October or else that's it for the league this year.
So we need as many as we can for Saturday. I will be sending a text on Sunday to all those eligible. No excuses, lets get a team out and make it a memorable Saturday. If this is to be our last game then lets go out in a blaze of glory.
Posted by
The Birdwatcher
everytime ref!
Labels: Your third team needs you
Apologies for not getting a match report in the paper. To be honest I forgot! Despite the loss 86-27 (it was always going to to a struggle with 12 playing 11 and me as one of the backs!) I thought the second half was awesome. We showed that we can play serious rugby and as some of their players said if it had been 15 v15 they would have been worried (and beaten). Well we can make them very worried and beat them when they come up to Buxton for the return game. We all played well but special mentions go to TC for some great full back play (especially as he was our one and only back row forward) Fish who was outstanding at standoff, Tony Austin for battering them all afternoon, Jason for turning up for us when you could have had the afternoon off, and Geoff for keeping a cool head. (I'll forget the hospital pass you gave me!)
We do need to get a 15 out, especially as we are at home, but also because we can play some good rugby and start winning. So if you know anyone who has at anytime expressed even the slightest interest in playing rugby let me know and we will arrange to kidnap them on a saturday afternoon.
The Third XV who were XI were:
Jason Meir, Andy Uprichard, Dan Rose, James "Big Bird" Cavanagh, Tony Austin,Tim Charles, Geoff Ritchie, Martin Fisher, Paul Taylor, Ian Sanderson, Simon Fussell (c)
Moment of the match Tays try, I'm not sure he still believes he scored. Close second was the look of relief on the Skippers face when he realised that the side warming up were not our opponents but a Welsh Touring side.
Posted by
The Birdwatcher
everytime ref!
Labels: Thirds against Bowdon
Having a re-run as a bit of a pre-season taster. Just to confirm, £5 per ticket, this includes bbq, live band and transport to and from Sunnyfields to Buxton Market Place and Wetherspoons. Steve Edge will have tickets available August 1st. You can get Steve on 07999650441. Kick off time will be confirmed shortly.
There will be two games. The Firsts and a Second XV. To be selected you have to go training. I appreciate some of us are injured but as there is a good coaching set up there now, in addition to Denny, Marcus Saville, John Baker Pearce and our very own Benno will be there. Training is still on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 7.00pm up at the Club. Craig our VC is going so lets see if a few of us can join him.
Posted by
The Birdwatcher
everytime ref!
Labels: Social events, Training
A few of us went down to London to watch england destroy France!! Thanks to Budgie for the great hotel and the river cruise. A good time was had by all but a question, who came out with this famous saying? "Is the Pope Irish"!!
Also who's lady friend exclaimed with a full mouth "its a long time since I had a black one"!!
Drink in London can put all but the determined drinker of by its price but after going to Limerick it seemed quite resonable!
Photos might follow
Posted by
everytime ref!
Buxton 3rd XV 12 v Burnage XV 5
And we should be off the bottom as OB's conceeded. Sandbach got stuffed 80 odd 0. Great result. Match report to follow.
Posted by
The Birdwatcher
everytime ref!
Buxton 3rd XV 12 v Burnage 5
After the battling performance in defeat against third placed side Marple last week the thirds picked up where they left off and won a hard fought and at times niggly affair at a windy Sunny fields. Again calls from the two's and calls to go off shopping meant that there were more new faces to fit in, but skipper Allen is practised at bringing players together at short notice and it was the team spirit,pride and desire to win that brought them through to victory. Helped by an influx of youth that gave the team some pace out wide and of course the hard core of experienced (old) forwards it was a proved to be winning blend.
After a frenetic opening few minutes the match settled down with Buxton using the elements to probe the corners. Allen leading from the front and with Chapman taking the ball round the fringes Buxton began to build a platform. Burton and Woodward were in support, keeping moves going and MaDonald and Rose provided solid targets. Buxton opened the scoring after twenty minutes. The forwards took the ball deep into the Burnage twenty two and a series of drives saw first Chapman and then Allen making the hard yards before Ritchie flicked the ball out to the waiting backs. Nichols with options outside dummied and drifted past his marker to score under the posts, with Kyle Mellor converting. With their confidence rising Buxton maintained the pressure. With the line out functioning well, Woodward taking plenty of the opposition ball, the thirds were dominating territory. A break from Taylor found Fussell in support and he drove for the line with the rest of the forwards piling in.The move was stopped just short of the line but the ball was recycled quickly and Woodward blasted over from short range to extend the lead. A lapse in concentration just before half time gifted Burnage a soft try and with the elements against them in the second half 12- 5 seemed a slender lead and scant reward for their first half efforts.
The second half saw a titanic battle as Burnage used the wind to drive Buxton back into their own twenty two. Rose and Allen lead the way defensively organising the forwards and the Burnage attacking tide was stopped and turned back. Frustration on both sides saw a rash of penalties and some in discipline by Buxton gave away vital possession and territory on a number of occasions. The battle up front eventually took its toll with Burnage having to concede uncontested scrums for the final twenty minutes and with their superior fitness, Buxton began to win the battle of the breakdown with the flying Gyte forcing errors on the ground and snapping up anything loose. As Burnage tired Buxton's backs turned defense into attack. Gardin and Purvis combined to open space and the youthful enthusiasm of Jack Smith and Bradley Burton on the wings was blunted only by last ditch tackles. With five minutes to go the forwards took charge again and controlled the ball through a series of phases until with the forty minutes up Nichols kicked the ball dead and the thirds could celebrate a hard won and well deserved victory that should lift them off the bottom of the league.
Buxton were:
McDonald (Chapman 40m), Fussell, Rose, Woodward,Burton, Allen, Chapman (Gyte 40m), Taylor,
Ritchie, Nichols, Smith, Gardin, Purvis, Mellor, Gyte (B Burton)
Posted by
The Birdwatcher
everytime ref!
Ali Bearman reports on a classic win for the Thirds, that lifts them off the bottom
Another lacklustre start from Buxton left the visitors with some desperate early defending against the Didsbury side. Crucially for the first time this season, Buxton’s line held with Rob Burton and Seth Jardin making their presence felt with ferocious hits on their opposite numbers and through the boot of Gaz Nicholls started to win the territorial battle. Buxton’s tight five was gradually gaining the upperhand in the scrummage and a soaring Matt Woodward was dominant in the line out.
2 five metre scrums were squandered by the Buxton side, but eventually a more patient approach paid dividends with Dan Rose crashing over from close range in the corner.
Unfortunately Buxton started the 2nd half poorly and Bedians were soon back on equal terms. Skipper Chris Allen rallied his men by running some short tap penalties straight at the opposition. A galvanised Buxton pack started to control the football and Paul Storer was prominent in driving the visitors relentlessly upfield. Uncontested scrums followed a Buxton scrum taking apart the home sides front row. Tom Edge and Tony Austin relieved of their set piece duties, took turns to burst through the midfield, deftly fed by Phil Preece’s relentlessly accurate service.
For long periods it looked like for all Buxton’s dominance, that they would not be able to put the game away. However a sweeping move which involved most of the side culminated in a wrapped up Craig Chapman managing to free his arms at the crucial moment to feed a rampaging Ali Bearman at full tilt, who bulldozed his way over the line for what was to be the decisive score.
Bedians, unwilling to take on an aggresive Buxton defence resorted to a kicking game. Buxton’s back 3 of Chris Ford, Geoff Ritchie and Mr Versality Tim Charles, proceeded to run the ball back with interest, and Buxton were camping on the visitors line when time ran out.
Bearman, Edge, Austin, Woodward, Rose, Allen, Chapman, Woodward, Preece, Ford,Nicholls, Burton,Jardin,Ritchie,Armitage
Posted by
The Birdwatcher
everytime ref!
Forget the ‘Credit Crunch’ the famous five were off again. Or are we to be ‘The Magnificent 7’, or as one of the five said ‘If we are to be 7 then I will make it 6’ end quote.
Number 1 Georgie Best
I have to say at that it is very difficult for the writer to name who made this quote or any of the quotes referred to in this report. Some are very serious and could lead to unknown repercussions.
The writer has therefore chosen not to name and shame any member of this illustrious group.
Number 2 Georgie Best
It should also be said that the writer was never recorded as having said anything controversial, as is his way.
So the intrepid quintet journey on again following a team that couldn’t destroy the Green and Whites in ’79, and thus giving the writer his 15 minutes of fame. [Andy Warhol 1968]
So what chance had they got at turning over the might of Munster.
Number 3 Georgie Best
We were to start as always with a beer, and as always Tidz got one and we all missed out, again.
A 10.15 start from Spoons seemed fine but our driver had a crucial meeting at nine and was doubtful, but assured everyone that he would be there by eleven.
Number 4 Georgie Best
As is always the case a proven tourer [the driver] is there on time and the rest are late. Except Tidz, cos the bar was open!
A pretty quick journey down to Birmingham. The driver showed remarkable skills in getting everyone there without a problem. The toll road was brilliant, we spent £4 to travel 450m on it. Thanks Tidz.
The airport was a dream with the tour organizer checking us in online the day before, thanks for that Steve. He also told everyone about the size of any canisters that were allowed through customs, except Phil.
Number 5 Georgie Best
Phil argued that the shaving foam was not a liquid and therefore exempt. It wouldn’t have been too bad but the tin was nearly as big as Phil. Never mind he can borrow some of the writers.
At this point I just want to remind everyone that no names have been assigned to the quotes, to protect the guilty. Well not all of them as I am feeling a little mischievous as I write this.
Number 6 Georgie Best
One of our parties partners commented on his shirt. [ a Sale one] and said ‘That’s a nice shirt, where did you get that? If I’d known you were taking it I would have washed and ironed it for you’. There will be trouble ahead.
At the airport we met lots of guys and gals we had met before on our travels, some of whom are now good friends. Oh and we met Wayne and Balloo and the Sara’s [2]
Number 7 Georgie Best
It should be said that WD never let go of Sara, where as Balloo was not seen holding hands at all. However it was good to see the girls and we enjoyed their company.
That boring b-----d from Bakewell and the wife with the big arse, who said that?
‘Take your bag with you said one of our number. He can’t said another, does anyone know why he can’t?
Now as you all know rugby players are fit and agile, can side step a herd of elephants and drive their way to the front of any queue, as long as it is for beer.
Number 8 Georgie Best
However walking down the walk way to the plane is a completely different matter as the 5 [or is it 7 or 6?] know to their cost. Or at least one of the groups embarrassment.
It should be said that I have never seen this guy fall as quick in his life before.
The book was out before he hit the ground. Good old scribe.
We are well travelled now on our little tours. We have all learned to wear the best of kit. However one of our number decided to take his Hi-Tec walking boots and socks.
Number 9 Georgie Best
They were he said very comfortable but the high uppers of the boots were chaffing his groin. Guess who.
Now as you all know we select bed partners by dealing the cards, can’t wait for London.
As the draw was made and it was clear who the ‘2’ were to be, questions were being asked.
One of the ‘2’ said ‘My dogs lick my feet, will you do the same’. The second of the ‘2’ said clearly No. There was no violence at this point, honest.
Number 10 Georgie Best
Later as you will hear the licking comments came thick and fast.
I am worried about loosing my money, where should I keep my money’ was a silly question. On these tours you just give it all to Tidz and you never see it again. No problem.
We have excellent accommodation, unfortunately the whole of the Munster team are there as well. We are the only Sale supporters to be seen. A bit like New Zealand, oh sorry you didn’t go did you Phil.
Number 11 Georgie Best
The safest form of transport I am told is the lift. I agree now. As we all piled into the lift things looked good, a bit tight but good. However the voice wasn’t impressed. ‘Who ever got in last then can you please get out, and if its you Tidz, you should know better’. How did it know?
On trips like this sometimes you need to kill a little time, but suggesting Snakes and Ladders is well out of order. Who was that?
The same man was guilty of not arranging the toast at the airport. We need to deal with this, as he was the one who started the toast tradition.
It should also be noted that the same man fell asleep before our resident sleeper!
As we all know one of the group has a caravan, another has a ‘Luuuuuv Mobile’ but what about the one with the camping fetish?
Yes one of our members has bought a complete kitchen kit for the amateur chef who likes the outdoor life. He says he needs to be out in the open to ‘get it up’; god knows what he was talking about then. Oh and he has an annexe for, yes you’ve guessed his dogs.
We were to travel to Cork for a day out but our resident Shrek didn’t think they would sell Guinness there. Get him in the book, owie.
Having been allocated a room with 2 of my colleagues it was good to see we had 3 beds, one each. Or was it. I came home one night to find one of our number [the small one] hiding in the safe. Why?
If you went to Benidorm you may recall this guy slept in the wrong hotel. Not here. Here he just tried to get in other peoples rooms. Hence he could only feel safe in the safe.
Gyte is proud of his family. He showed photos of his sons grandchildren to everyone. Think about it.
And yes it happened the camper tipped drink into the little fellas drink, cos he was full up.
Speaking of full up what about this. I have heard that when you are drunk you imagine things. I can’t say whom but he went home early ‘when the shutters came down’.
He was found by the police on what he called ‘his magic roundabout’. When asked to move on he replied I can’t who will look after Florence. The officers assessed the situation. After a short discussion they decided to let him go on alone, as having to carry him would have caused them a hernia or two.
This needs to be noted and names will not be spared.
TC and SG discussed the quality of the hotel toilet paper for nearly 20 minutes. It was quilted and was great for dabbing. Whats dabbing?
Two of the group were on the floor looking for a card and one said to the other’ We look like 2 old men’. What do you mean look like!
Problems come in all shapes and sizes and most on this trip emanated from a small person, this is no exception. How can anyone put their watch on back to front and still tell the time. Well he can’t.
I believe he has patented the idea of an upside down watch. Watch this space.
Phil was very interested in the habits of Tims dogs and wondered if everyone benefited from their antics.
Usually the pet pines for its master, but not up Harpur it’s the reverse.
I think at this time Tim should be thanked publicly for inserting ‘the applicator’ when Tidz couldn’t reach. Well-done Tim.
Money and exchange rates confuse lots of people, we are no exceptions. However when the question was asked ‘Is a twenty worth more then a fifty?’ this has to go down as the worst statement ever. I sometimes wonder if there were schools in Eccles?
Now we have all seen the urinals at different levels in the gents, but have you ever seen anything like this. One of our group was caught resting his member on the lip of the urinal, not so bad you might think but it was the kids urinal because he couldn’t reach the big boys one.
There are many ways of choosing a breakfast but when the choice was down to who was the friendliest waitress. They both were effective, polite, courteous and quick. So how could we choose, easy said Tidz we will eat where the ‘Chubby Chaser’ works.
The hotel was as usual upto the standards that we have come to accept from our tour operator, so for that thanks. However our operator was left with a bit of a bath time problem. Showing Tidz how to use the bathing facilities was, he thought his duty as tour operator.
However putting the non=slip mat in the bath proved a problem when both his feet became stuck to the mat. It took 3 of us to separate him from his mat. Well-done TC.
The trip was, as always a great success and great fun. We met friends from nearby towns, ex opposition players and the regular supporter as well.
We did on this occasion meet a Buxtonian hotelier who was born in Limerick. Having arranged to meet us prior to the game, he was there with his family and friends but no money!
So we plied him with drink and company and as a reward we were invited to meet the players in the bar afterwards. As in Italy, our hopes were dashed and we never saw him again that night.
We did arrange to meet the next day and travel out to a couple of country pubs. He duly arrived, bought himself a couple of drinks or so got pissed and left.
Not to worry, he was coming back tomorrow to take us to the point to point. We’re still waiting. When is tomorrow. I guess we all only ever have one in our lives.
This to me was as good as it gets, thanks to one and all.
With friends like these---------------------------------------
Posted by
Ex Captain my Captain
everytime ref!
Labels: some chaps pop off to Cork without their better halves
Carrington 21 Buxton 12
With the skipper and his trusty loose head lieutenant exiled to the murky wastes of the seconds and the Midlands, the thirds travelled (with no problems on the way at all) to Carrington. Arriving with thirteen players ECMC was greeted by the news that an elderly, short, but highly experienced scrum half was on his way to their aid closely followed by Ewan, Jason, Jacko, Dan, Gytie (young and fast) Ryan and Paul. All the thirds had to do was to hold out until the cavalry arrived. Ex Captain My Captain explained patiently in his pre match speech about the need for focus and intent and wanting it more and as he reached his peroration expounded the simple truth, not to let the other chaps score first, or first and second. Ten minutes in and the thirds were 14 -0 down. Need I say more. Then of course we woke up and with a little help from the cavalry took the game to Carrington. We played some excellent rugby, the support was, well there, and to be honest it hasn't always been this season. There was continuity and determination. We should have scored before half time as we battered at their try line, but some well organised and aggressive defense held us out by inches. We won the second half! But the damage had been done in those first ten minutes, and how many times has that happened this season?
Full match report to follow, but despite the score line a fucking excellent performance. Next week we win!
Posted by
Ex Captain my Captain
everytime ref!
Buxton 0 Aldwinians 56
After all the progress in the run up to Christmas and a magnificent defeat to Wilmslow 15-7 in the last match of the year, the Thirds were expecting to build on the momentum and deliver if not a victory then at least a stirring performance on Saturday away to Aldwinians. It was not to be. Just as the skippers SatNav (CrapNav) was way off target, so the Thirds managed to collectivley and individually produce their worst performance of the season. At times the tackling was non existence as the Aldwinian centres carved up space and allowed their speedy fullback to roam at will. Buxtons much vaunted pack struggled to find their form and the line out stuttered along inconsistently. With little possession to work with it was a long hard afternoon. Aldwinians still stung by their defeat at the end of last season and harbouring a collective feeling of ill will towards the Thirds, started in combative fashion.Dan Gyte making his first start at 10 was on the receiving end of treatment in the opening five minutes and nursed a leg injury for the rest of the match, bravely carrying on. Jack stepping up for his first taste of senior rugby put in a brave performance on the wing and there was a brief glimpse of the pre holiday thirds for the fifteen minutes before half time when they managed to put together some moves and secured possession to create some scoring chances. They were not converted and as the second half began with an Aldwinian try it was going to be a long second half.
What lessons can be learn't? Well if its an away game then we need at least thirty minutes to get warmed up properly and run through some moves. But more importantly we need some self belief and self confidence. It seems sometimes that we are beaten before we take to the field. It did not help only having 15 players but the reality is that we will be going away again this season with a bare 15. We need to start believing in ourselves individually and as a team. When we ran at them we knocked them back. I doubt we will play as badley again but that is little comfort, and we will need to be focused and full of self belief as we have to beat Carrington this coming weekend. And its away. And will someone please get rid of the skippers satnav.
Buxton Thirds were.
Bearman, Fussell, Austin, Taylor, Burton, Allen, Rabbitts, Chapman, Ritchie, Gyte, Jack, Edge, Ford, Purvis, Gardin.
Posted by
Ex Captain my Captain
everytime ref!
Labels: Pretty awful performance not helped by fifteen having an off day.