Wednesday, 30 May 2007

Change to League Rules

First of all I would like to say how nice it was to see so many of the 3rd team at training last night but........I can't
At the league AGM , there was a motion put forward to give the winning team 3pts and not 4 if they went uncontested at anytime during the game , unfortunately this motion was narrowly defeated.


The Birdwatcher said...

Its a shame about the uncontested rule, though I would have thought 2 pts would have been better. Why not make them take another player off?

As for training, I would have been there but I am a bit knackered at the moment so I am having a rest.

Did people know about it? Apart from your post I was not aware of any other method of communication.

Over to Captain our captain I think!

WayneDilly said...

Dear little Chris is away at the mo , and don't forget he has a vewy vewy poorly thumb !!!!!!!!!

The Birdwatcher said...

thought he was back! Whats wrong with his thumb - has he been sucking it?

WayneDilly said...

claims some nasty man hurt it at training

The Birdwatcher said...

Does he go training? I thought he just complained about the lack of it?

WayneDilly said...

saw him up there once with the new coach , perhaps it's just too hard for him