Friday, 24 August 2007


Seriously excellent training session last night (Thursday) Only three from the thirds though! Its a shame because we a wasting an opportunity. Give it a go.

Friday, 17 August 2007

Further Information Re: Fire Service Game

Meet at club 12:00 for 15:00 K.O. Sounds early but perhaps we should try a few moves (like running and passing) before the game. Mr Dilworth has organised a full team and is expecting a tough game - lets not disappoint! Food is being laid on at the club after the game.

PS. Mr Dilworth says the Buxton pack are a bunch of fairies!!!!!!

Tuesday, 7 August 2007

Training Game 18th August 2007

Derbyshire Fire Service have once again agreed to a 'friendly' at Sunnyfields on the 18th August as a pre season warm up. Anybody wishing to play and have the oppurtunity of some eary 'hits' on Mr. Dillworth please contact me. Thanks Wayne for organising the game.
Times and further details to follow.

Friday, 3 August 2007

Going Ape

Tuesday 31st 12 brave men when tree climbing! A great time had by all at "Go Ape" up in Pooles cavern woods. Jack Barber and Chris Dilworth leading the way all the way round. Jack was heard to say "I hate heights" as he leapt from yet another tree 30 feet above the ground.
One ex captain deceided terra firma was better than tree tops and completed only half the coarse.
One ex captain flew down the zip wires and landed with all the grace of a baby rhino ice skating.
Watching a certain mature student cross the 'rope stirrups' was a site never to be forgot.
A certain fireman drew the comment "Brain dead" from a member of staff.
Afterwards a drink or three was had. However, our new captain would not let another ex captain go home until he found walking and speaking almost impossible.