Friday, 3 August 2007

Going Ape

Tuesday 31st 12 brave men when tree climbing! A great time had by all at "Go Ape" up in Pooles cavern woods. Jack Barber and Chris Dilworth leading the way all the way round. Jack was heard to say "I hate heights" as he leapt from yet another tree 30 feet above the ground.
One ex captain deceided terra firma was better than tree tops and completed only half the coarse.
One ex captain flew down the zip wires and landed with all the grace of a baby rhino ice skating.
Watching a certain mature student cross the 'rope stirrups' was a site never to be forgot.
A certain fireman drew the comment "Brain dead" from a member of staff.
Afterwards a drink or three was had. However, our new captain would not let another ex captain go home until he found walking and speaking almost impossible.

1 comment:

The Birdwatcher said...

The ex captain should be named and shamed so as not to confuse him with another ex captain who would have completed the course even though the stairs give him vertigo.

Good to see that the staff at Go Ape are excellent judges of character, they have our fireman sussed!