Obesi,Mali,Sitientes sumus,sed ludere desideramus.The Blog for Buxton RUFC Third team. You can find match reports, player profiles and loads of other interesting stuff. Plus the odd piece of scandal!
Whose arse is this? Winner will receive a lesson on how not to fall on a ball as somebody is about to kick it!
Posted by
Chris A
Please tell me it's not mine !!
Its yours! Got to be. Well its a forwards anyway cause its wearing pants not panties like what the backs do.
Can somebody please explain to me why Dilworth a) does not recognise his own arse, b) who took the picture and c) how did I come to be in possession of said picture? Or is it somebody elses sore behind?
Dilworth couldn't recognise his arse from his elbow.
Obviously a good night on Saturday!
It could however be birds arse. Not that I am an expert you understand. Perhaps we could let court decide?
Yes court could decide, and perhaps BW and ex capt my ex capt should take alternatve weeks at fullback !!!
I have heard that they are one and the same.
was going to make a sarcastic comment, but as that is now Howards speciallity, I'll not bother for now !!
Hope your not going to start picking on me.
No not you,I would never pick on you, Oh Greatest of Great Fullbacks ! ! 8-)
What the fucks the matter with you Dilworth! Why do you persist in this silly little game about getting me to play fullback. I am fat and make Captain Slow look like an Olympic sprinter. I have no ball handling skills and have the spatial awareness of a blind man stumbling about in a darkened room. Oh and just incase that has not convinced your of my utter unsuitability to play fullback I cannot kick a ball. Ex Captain my Ex Captain tried it once and the experiment was not a success. SO toddle off and find something else to amuse yourself with.
So you don't want to play fullback then birdwatcher? (Ducks and takes cover)Now Now girls!
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