Obesi,Mali,Sitientes sumus,sed ludere desideramus.The Blog for Buxton RUFC Third team. You can find match reports, player profiles and loads of other interesting stuff. Plus the odd piece of scandal!
Post a suitable caption to go with this photograph of Tim "Nice but Dim" and AUP discussing tactics in the changing room. Closing date 9th June 2007. There will be a prize for the best one but you might not want it!
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Ex Captain my Captain
Yeah honestly, giving birth is like trying to shit a rugby ball
Do you think I look like Steve Gyte when I stand like this?
Johnny Dawson writes;
Tim saying to Andy “what do you think, topless rugby, we could carry it in our cleavage?”
Andy saying “Tim you appear to be levitating towards the toilet and shrinking too, shall I go and get help?”
Tim - "I'm seriously thinking of hanging my boots up, who'll pass the ball to me know that Phil's stopped playing?"
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